Dates Based on Department Convention on May 3, 2025

Georgia Secretary of State Registration
01/01 - 03/15

Secretary of State Registrations are due NLT 03/15
Annual registrations are due between January 1 and April 1 each year thereafter.
Youcan only file one year at a time. Completed registrations are to be submitted to the Paymaster within 15 days of filing.


Within 14 Days of Election

Report of Officer Installation to Department Paymaster
"NBL" Section 940. Election of Officers A. Each detachment shall hold an annual election and installation of officers between September 1 and May 15. Installation must be conducted no later than the last day of the month subsequent to the election. The “Report of Installation - Detachment” form shall be submitted within fourteen (14) days of the installation to ensure that it is received at the National Office by June 30th of each year to establish credentials for the National Convention. A detachment is NOT in good standing if this report is not received. (Rev 2023) B. Any time throughout the year, were a change in any officer(s) position, that new officer(s) must be sworn in accordance with NAP and a new ROI form must be submitted for those positions that changed.

NLT 02/15

Deadline for receipt of proposed changes to Department Bylaws and/or Administrative Procedures in writing to Department judge Advocate for consideration at the Department Convention.

NLT 02/25

Departmment Paymaster to send reminder to Detachments of the $20.00 Convention support fee

NLT 03/15

Proposed Bylaws and/or Administrative Procedure changes annotated and presented to the annual meeting of the Bylaws committee by Department Judge Advocate

NLT 04/01

Department Adjutant emails copies of both Approved and Not Approved changes lists to Detachment Commandants and Judge Advocates.

NLT 04/01

Deadline for Detachments to submit nominations for “Marine of the Year” and “Associate of the Year” to Department Paymaster

NLT 04/10

Department Paymaster forwards Detachment nominations to appropriate Committee Chair.

NLT 04/14

Detachments submit names of Delegates and alternatives for Department Convention to Department Paymaster and send transmittals to Department Paymaster of total strength of Detachment.

NLT 04/15

Detachment list of Alternates and/or Delegates mailed to the Credentials Committee.

NLT 04/15

Deadline for submission of the $20 Convention support fee from Detachments to Department Paymaster.

NLT 04/15

Deadline for submission of the $20 Convention support fee from Detachments to Department Paymaster.

NLT 04/15

PLM Reports sent out to Detachments. Please complete ASAP. Reports Due NLT 11/15 of each year.

NLT 05/01

Department Paymaster shall notify elected officers of Detachment(s) in default and to the Credentials committee default of due payments or funds.

NLT 05/03

Annual Convention and meeting for election of Department Officers

NLT 11/15

IRS Forms 990 and 990-EZ - Each detachment, department or other entity, including the National Subsidiary Organizations and National Subordinate Groups, identified in the below sections of Chapter Eight, which directly or indirectly operates under the Congressional Charter and/or the name of the MCL must annually file with National Office, via their department, if such exists, a true and complete copy of the front page of its IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ (whichever is required to be filed with the IRS) no later than the due date of filing by IRS rules and regulations, normally by 15 November following the end of the fiscal year of 30 June unless an extension has been requested. Please file early and not wait until November due to compliance reporting.

NLT 11/15

**New** PLM Reports will now be due NLT November 15th.

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